support verb [T] (ENCOURAGE)
- agreeI suggested they seek legal counsel and they agreed.
- acceptI have no choice but to tướng accept the ruling of the court.
- acquiesceThe police acquiesced to tướng the rebels' demands.
- assentBy signing, you assent to tướng the terms of the contract.
- consentI consent to tướng a tìm kiếm of my vehicle.
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B1 mainly UK (US usually root for)
Which team vì thế you support?
Bạn cũng hoàn toàn có thể tìm hiểu những kể từ tương quan, những cụm kể từ và kể từ đồng nghĩa tương quan trong số chủ thể này:
support verb [T] (HELP)
My family has always supported bầm in whatever I've wanted to tướng vì thế.
support verb [T] (PROVIDE)
Bạn cũng hoàn toàn có thể tìm hiểu những kể từ tương quan, những cụm kể từ và kể từ đồng nghĩa tương quan trong số chủ thể này:
support verb [T] (STOP FROM FALLING)
support verb [T] (PROVE)
to help to tướng show something to tướng be true:
support verb [T] (ACCEPT)
Bạn cũng hoàn toàn có thể tìm hiểu những kể từ tương quan, những cụm kể từ và kể từ đồng nghĩa tương quan trong số chủ thể này:
support noun (ENCOURAGEMENT)
support noun (HELP)
Liz gave bầm a lot of tư vấn when I lost my job.
support noun (MONEY)
Bạn cũng hoàn toàn có thể tìm hiểu những kể từ tương quan, những cụm kể từ và kể từ đồng nghĩa tương quan trong số chủ thể này:
support noun (HOLDING)
dreamsquare/iStock/Getty Image Plus/GettyImages
Bạn cũng hoàn toàn có thể tìm hiểu những kể từ tương quan, những cụm kể từ và kể từ đồng nghĩa tương quan trong số chủ thể này:
support noun (PROOF)
support noun (PERFORMER)
(Định nghĩa của support kể từ Từ điển và Từ đồng nghĩa tương quan Cambridge dành riêng cho Người học tập Nâng cao © Cambridge University Press)
support | Từ điển Anh Mỹ
support verb [T] (ENCOURAGE)
support verb [T] (HELP)
support verb [T] (PROVIDE)
support verb [T] (PROVE)
support verb [T] (STOP FROM FALLING)
support noun (HELP)
support noun (PROVIDING MONEY)
support noun (PROOF)
support noun (ENCOURAGEMENT)
support noun (HOLDING THINGS UP)
(Định nghĩa của support kể từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press)
Các ví dụ của support
It was an attempt to tướng get his support for their plans so sánh far as they themselves understood them.
Efforts to tướng calculate the level of price support for rice required the government to tướng elicit cost of production data from the agricultural associations.
The book is lavishly illustrated with photographs of items from the exhibit (always in full color) and other supporting material (in Black and white).
The symbolic evaluator implements a purely functional language which supports symbolic values.
Agency 5 has not diversified its products, supports scientific publications, and has a balanced portfolio.
But the idea of an ageless self is also supported by developmental psychological theories, where the development after adolescence is seldom considered.
The impact of care-giving on care-givers : factors associated with the psychological well-being of people supporting a dementing relative in the community.
Both men and women with low support were more likely to tướng report psychological distress than thở those with high support.
A rapid review of the evidence base to tướng support school nursing interventions is reported and developments for future research are indicated.
This suggests that we need to tướng know something about which firms support which parties to tướng undertake this analysis.
To control for this possibility, the data were quartiled on the basis of the incumbent party's support in the previous election.
The effective number of parties increased significantly and minority governments without stable support in parliament became the standard type of government.
These parties had a common interest and were supported by non-governmental organisations which helped them put together a strong chiến dịch.
His central support also recovered, aided by the party's need to tướng have some provincial governments fit for display.
She stresses that her work is interdisciplinary in nature, and her review of the literature supporting her conceptual framework reaches beyond linguistics and language education.
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Các cụm kể từ với support
Các kể từ thông thường được dùng cùng theo với support.
Bấm vào một trong những cụm kể từ nhằm coi tăng những ví dụ của cụm kể từ cơ.
additional support
According to tướng this characterisation, bare survival is possible in settlements, but any meaningful developmental activity requires additional tư vấn and relocation away from them.
adequate support
The musical foundation established during the early years, therefore, needs to tướng provide adequate tư vấn for future musical development and learning.
administrative support
Improvements in physician and nurse ratings of interdisciplinary care, residency education, house staff attitudes, and administrative tư vấn have been reported (11;16;24).
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