Today krill is consumed by an increased abundance of smaller whales (minkes), seals (notably the crabeater seal) and seabirds (notably several penguin species), plus humans.
Whales were sighted occasionally and the boats were lowered on several occasions, but no whales were taken.
The post-lapsarian world impinged with the first sightings of commodities, seals and whales.
In the post-war period, whaling yielded valuable food oils and meat, and much money had been spent on factory ships and infrastructure.
Next comes birds, divided into seabirds and penguins, followed by mammals, with sections on whales and seals.
Here, the authors combine the word culture with whales and dolphins.
What if whales and dolphins had their own recognizable culture, as determined in accordance with a commonly acknowledged phối of criteria for culture?
Size might be an obstacle lớn captive study of the large cetaceans, but the majority of toothed whales can be studied in captive settings.
They then use these low standards lớn argue that some whales have unique cultures only matched by humans.
The examination of culture in whales and dolphins is not self-contained.
If this were so sánh elephants and whales would have language.
By that time, however, the local stocks of whales were becoming depleted.
Work began on the 10 xanh lơ whales, and the catchers brought a further seven during the day: prospects were improving.
In theory, such a framework should have guaranteed not only the survival of the world's great whales but their sustainable use for human benefit.
Methods for determining the age of whales improved.
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