Put the words in the correct order to make


Bài 5 :

2. Complete the interviews using the correct form of the verbs in exercise 1. Then listen and check.

(Hoàn thành bài phỏng vấn bằng cách sử dụng dạng đúng của các động từ trong bài 1. Sau đó nghe và kiểm tra.)

Kate: Excuse me. I'm asking people about their morning routines. Have you got a minute?

Dylan: Yes, sure.

Kate: What are you doing in town this morning?

Dylan: I'm looking for a present for my mum.

Kate: Do you always 1__________ on Saturday mornings?

Dylan: No, I don't. I normally play football, but I'm not playing this morning.

Kate: Oh, right. What time do you 2__________ in the morning?

Dylan: It depends. My mum usually 3__________ me _________at seven o'clock, before she 4__________

Kate: Do you 5__________?

Dylan: Yes, I have some cereal or toast. Then my sister and I 6__________.

Kate: What time do you start school?

Dylan: I start school at nine.

Kate: Thanks for your help! Have a good day.


Kate: Hello. Do you have a minute to answer some questions? I'm asking people about how they spend their evenings.

Lucy: OK.

Kate: Do you usually go home straight after school?

Lucy: Usually, yes. I 7__________ school at four and I like to 8__________ when I 9__________. Then I can relax in the evening.

Kate: How do you 10__________? I see you've got some headphones. Do you 11__________?

Lucy: Yes, I like hip hop. I also go on my laptop and chat online or 12__________.

Kate: Do you help at home much after school? Does someone 13__________ and cook your meals?

Lucy: I don't often tidy my room. My mum does it. My dad always 14__________ dinner and I sometimes help him.

Kate: And what time do you 15__________?

Lucy: Around ten o'clock. Sometimes a bit earlier if I'm tired.

Kate: OK, great. Thanks very much.