

Training physicians in communication skills with adolescents using teenager actors as simulated patients.

The service was based upon the views of teenagers, obtained by questionnaire and discussion groups in schools and youth clubs.

These models have one or two dedicated parameters, one of which models within-group mixing between teenagers or older children.

This explains the second reason why 1932 was a great time for an eager teenager to enter economic study.

The differences in dialect use for these older children are most frequently explained relative to peer identification and expression of ethnic identity by teenagers.

Parents of these adolescents were initially contacted in a letter that described the study as an investigation into the lives of teenagers and their families.

Moreover, there appears to be a greater risk of prematurity in younger teenagers compared with older teenagers demonstrating a 'dose-response' relationship.

Indeed, for contemporary teenagers, individual singers or bands have much more meaning than genres.

This will include an increase in the degree of gender differentiation among the teenagers relative to preteens.

Undoubtedly, a proportion of the non-marital pregnancies are accidental and unwanted, particularly in the case of teenagers.

I hoped that the teenagers would get ideas from, debate with and respond to each other.

At the same time, teenagers - barred from the grilles because of their youth - established their own public dance spaces, called aguelulos.

A teenager who is perceived as too free-spirited, conspicuously bright, overly plump, or physically weak risks being targeted or ostracised from the peer group.

This allowed the attitudes and reported behaviours to be compared between adults and teenagers from very similar backgrounds and settings.

Most of the daughters in the present study were born during the 1950s and became teenagers during the 1970s.

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